This table lists all the Client API callbacks, when each can be triggered, and which Arkose components each is relevant for (i.e. onShow
is only triggered when an Enforcement Challenge is shown. Since our detection component does not have Enforcement Challenges, you only have to define a callback for onShow
when using our enforcement component).
For how to associate a function definition with a callback, see Configuration Object.
Callback Name | When Triggered | Applicable Component |
onReady | When API is loaded and configured OR When a challenge is programmatically reset after onReset triggers. | Detection Enforcement |
onError | At any point in a session when an internal Arkose API error occurs. | Detection Enforcement |
onWarning | At any point in a session when an internal Arkose API warning is triggered. | Detection Enforcement |
onShow | When a selector is pressed, but before a challenge is shown AND When a challenge is closed but is then shown again. | Enforcement |
onSuppress | When a session is classified as not needing a challenge. | Detection Enforcement |
onShown | When a challenge is initially shown AND When a challenge is closed and then shown again. | Enforcement |
onCompleted | When no challenge is needed OR When a challenge is answered correctly. | Detection Enforcement |
onHide | When a challenge is closed using ESC or its X button OR After onCompleted triggers ORAfter onError triggers in Client API version earlier than 3.0.0 when session setup fails, whether a challenge was shown or not. | Detection (second and third situations only) Enforcement (first, second and third situations) |
onFailed | When a challenge is failed more than a configured number of tries. Defaults to no limit value for the trigger. | Enforcement |
onReset | When a challenge is programmatically reset OR When a challenge is answered correctly. | Enforcement |
onResize | When a challenge is shown AND After onShown triggers. | Enforcement |
Updated 3 months ago
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