Risk Score


NOTE: Risk Score is available with Verify API v4. By default, Risk Score is turned off. To activate it, contact your Arkose Labs CSM (Customer Success Manager).

For each session, Arkose Bot Manager determines Risk Scores based on multiple signals collected throughout the session and the associated triggered telltales. The Verify API returns two risk scores in an additional session_risk field:

  • Global Risk Score: A risk score based on the global telltales that fired during the session. The Global Risk Score ranges anywhere from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest risk level.
  • Custom Risk Score: A risk score based on customer-specific telltales. The Custom Risk Score ranges from 0to 100 with 100 being the highest risk level.

Risk Categories

Every session is assigned to a risk category:

  • NO-THREAT: No threat or risk detected.

    • No telltale was triggered.

    • A telltale created from an Allowlist was triggered.
    • Overrides all other Risk Category values; if an Allowlist telltale is triggered, the session gets an ALLOWLIST risk category. Note that it is not possible for both an Allowlist and a Denylist telltale to trigger in the same session.

    • A telltale created from a Denylist was triggered.
    • Overrides all other Risk Category values; if a Denylist telltale is triggered, the session gets a DENYLIST risk category. Note that it is not possible for both an Allowlist and a Denylist telltale to trigger in the same session.
  • BOT-STD: Basic botnet / Automation

    • Assigned when only global telltales belonging to standard botnets were identified.
  • BOT-ADV: Advanced botnet / Automation

    • Assigned when at least one global telltale in the session belonged to advanced botnets.
    • Overrides BOT-STD (i.e. if there are both standard and advanced botnet telltales in a session, the session gets a BOT-ADV risk category)
  • FRD-FRM: Fraud farms (Captcha solvers)

    • Assigned when at least one global telltale in the session belonged to fraud farms.
    • Overrides BOT-STD and BOT-ADV (i.e. if any telltale belongs to a fraud farm, the session gets a
      FRD-FRM risk category, regardless of any botnet telltales).
  • CUSTOM: Custom (for any customer-specific telltales addressing unique customer-specified traffic patterns)

    • At least one customer-specific telltale was triggered.
    • All global risk category values override CUSTOM. For a session to have a CUSTOM risk category value, both a customer-specific telltale must have triggered and no global telltales can have triggered (i.e. if any global telltale was triggered, the session is assigned the appropriate global risk category as specified above)

For more details on individual global telltales and their contributions to various categories, please see the Global Telltales page in the Arkose Labs Knowledge Base. To access the Knowledge Base, you must have a support login.

Risk Bands

Risk Bands define the level of risk by what band a session's numerical risk score falls into.

The greater of the Global and Custom Risk Scores determines which band Arkose assigns to the session.

The risk bands are defined as follows, with each band inclusive of its start and end values.

BandScore Range StartScore Range End

Using Risk Scores

Arkose Labs suggests these guidelines for interpreting and using Risk Score related information:

  • The Global Risk Score detects common threats across Arkose Labs customers. It may provide more granular insight into the threat.

  • The Custom Risk Score detects threats specific to a given customer.

  • The two scores may overlap. Global and customer-specific telltales may detect the same attack based on different anomalies found in the session

  • Both the risk score and risk category must be considered when choosing the most appropriate response strategy.

Two ways of using risk scores are:

  • Influencing the challenge strategy. For more on how the integration process looks like, please contact your Arkose CSM (Customer Success Manager).

  • Within a customer’s Internal Detection Models. If a customer wants to just use risk scores for informative purposes and not use it to tune challenges, then no integration changes are needed. Once turned on, you can consume Risk Score data via Verify API responses.

For more detailed suggestions as to what actions to take for different combinations of Risk Scores, Risk Bands, and Risk Categories, see Risk Score Usage (Support login required).

Verify API Response Fields and Values


Reminder: The full Verify API Response, except for the below description of its session_risk field, is described on the Server-Side Instructions page .

When Risk Score has been turned on, your Verify API responses include an additional field, session_risk. Its value is a JSON object, with its own fields and subfields as described in the table below.

Note the following special cases, which affect the JSON object’s value. You need to take the possibility of these cases into account when writing code that processes session_risk's value.

  1. If no Arkose global or generic telltales triggered during the session, its Global Risk Score is 0.

  2. If no customer-specific telltales triggered during the session, its Custom Risk Score is 0.

  3. If both risk scores are 0, the risk_category field is not returned. You should treat it as a "NULL" risk category. Note: This means there may be 0 or 1 risk_category fields in a session_risk value.

  4. If both the Global and Custom Risk Scores are 0, the risk_band value is "Low".

  5. risk_category is the only optional field (i.e., it is not returned if there is no category value due to no telltales triggering). All other fields and subfields are always returned, including session_risk as a whole. So if the Global Risk Score is 0, global's value is a score of "0" and a telltales' value of an empty array ([]). If the Custom Risk Score is 0, custom's value is a score of "0" and a telltales' value of an empty array ([]). See the second response example further below.

FieldSubfieldSubfieldSubfieldDescription and Values
session_riskAn object containing all risk score information and conclusions.

Made up of the following subfields.
risk_categoryName of the risk category determined by the session's risk score.

One of "BOT-STD" (standard botnet), "BOT-ADV" (advanced botnet), "FRD-FRM" (fraud farm) or "CUSTOM" (custom category based on customer-defined telltales).

If both the Global and Custom Risk Scores are 0, session_risk's value will not have a risk_category field.
risk_bandRisk band category indicating risk severity as determined by risk scores.

One of "High", "Medium", or "Low"
globalObject containing the Global Risk Score value and the global telltales used to calculate it.

An array of objects consisting of score and telltales fields.
customObject containing the Custom Risk Score value and the global telltales used to calculate it.

An array of objects consisting of score and telltales fields.
scoreRisk Score value. If under global, the Global Risk Score. If under custom, the Custom Risk Score.

A string of an integer between 0 and 100, such as "87". If under custom, it will be from "0" to"100".
telltalesTelltales that contributed to calculating a Risk Score. If under global, the Global Risk Score. If under custom, the Custom Risk Score.

An array of objects consisting of name andweight fields.
nameName of a triggered telltale that contributed to calculating a Risk Score.

A string starting with g- to signify global, such as
"g-h-cfp-1000000000" or a string that does not start with g- meaning it is a custom telltale like "outdated-os-yandex"
weightThe weight given this triggered telltale when calculating a Risk Score. Note that a telltale’s weight is not necessarily the same as the eventual total score.

A string of an integer between "1" and "100". Not "0" since a triggered telltale must have some weight.

Sample Verify API Response With session_risk

  "risk_category": "BOT-STD",
  "risk_band": "High",
      "score": "15",
        "name": "g-h-cfp-1000000000",
        "weight": "7"
        "name": "g-os-impersonation-win",
        "weight": "8"
      "score": "100",
        "name": "outdated-browser-customer-2",
        "weight": "100"
        "name": "outdated-os-customer",
        "weight": "100"

Sample Verify API Response With session_risk With No Triggered Telltales

Note that this response has no risk_category field.

  "risk_band": "Low",
      "score": "0",
      "score": "0",